Alors, I eat and eat and yet I gain nozing...
Perhaps one of my favorite things about living in Paris was eating everything in sight and not gaining a pound. I’m not sure if it was all the walking I did or if there was actually something in the water, but I ended up losing weight in France despite eating dessert every day. And we’re not talking fruit, we’re talking gooey, fatty, buttery pastries, or my favorite, crepes. (Were I to live this lifestyle in the States, I would blow up like a pregnant Tori Spelling before you could say "croissant.") My favorite crepe stand was what my friends and I affectionately referred to as “the blue awning place” off Rue de la Huchette (its real name is Boulangerie de Papa) next to the St. Michel Metro. I highly recommend it if you make it to Paris.
Unfortunately, creperies are slightly less ubiquitous here in the states, but luckily these delightful treats are super easy to make at home.
Unfortunately, creperies are slightly less ubiquitous here in the states, but luckily these delightful treats are super easy to make at home.

Dessert Crepes
Recipe adapted from The Gourmet Cookbook.
Makes 4 medium-sized crepes.
2 eggs
6 Tbsp. all purpose flour
½ cup milk
A couple pinches of sugar
1. Mix together eggs and flour until blended.
2. Add milk and stir until batter is runny. Add sugar. It will pretty much look like creamy snot at this point.
3. In a crepe pan or medium-large frying pan* pour out ¼ of the batter and swirl the pan around so the batter coats the pan in a thin layer.
4. Cook over high heat for a minute or two, then flip. Once you’ve flipped, you can drizzle on a topping (examples: sugar and lemon juice, Nutella and bananas, whipped cream, paper clips and thumb tacks for enemies, etc.)
5. Fold in half, dust with powdered sugar if desired, serve.
(Note: The Gourmet recipe calls for Grand Marnier. I’m in college and can barely afford the vodka that comes in the plastic bottle, thus, I did not include it. Toss a teaspoon or so in the batter if you like.)
*Is there really a difference as far as the outcome? Methinks no. I'm going to call Brian Williams and suggest crepe pans as an episode topic for "The Fleecing of America."
Boulangerie Photo Credit: B. Rinne
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