Saturday, February 9, 2008

Wok 'n' Roll

The Brit loves to cook. Which is partly why I'm crazy about the Brit. His latest obsession is a $120 wok that he bought and refuses to wash with dish soap because someone once told him it would make the wok gods angry and result in perpetually burnt stir fry. (He's also endearingly nerdy, did I mention that? But in the closet nerd sort of way, where he's all Guys' Guy but then secretly subscribes to New Scientist magazine because he's into neurobiology. Love that.)

In any case, the result is that I get fed quite well and often, with which I am totally content. Most of the recipes have been coming from Ken Hom's Top 100 Stir Fry Recipes, and man, does this guy know what he's talking about. I don't know who Ken Hom is, but something tells me he's a baller in the world of stir fry. The recipes are quite simple for the most part, but we haven't had a bad one yet. Lunch today was spicy pork with mushrooms which we put on toasted bits of French bread, and I'm pretty sure the wok gods smiled down on us because it was scrumptious.

When I get un-poor, I'm going to go out and buy a wok of my own (although probably the $17.99 variety) and this book to accompany it.

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