Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Things I Can't Get Over Today: A List

1. The fact that I find myself mildly attracted to Daniel Radcliffe in the latest Harry Potter film. That's slightly creepy - Harry Potter should not be hot.
2. I saw a lone white tennis shoe hanging out in the middle of Canal Road in Georgetown yesterday, and I can't stop thinking about it.
3. My burning desire to make a salad involving any or all of the following: arugula, pine nuts, watermelon, feta.
4. How delicious the Hershey's truffle things are in the communal candy jar at work. I sneak them two at a time when no one's looking, because I feel judged if I take more than one in front of witnesses.
5. My daily existential crisis at my job. As in, why I am here? Do I serve any purpose? The answer I usually come up with is no.
6. My phobia that I'm going to screw up flip cup for my kickball team when we play tonight.
7. How disappointing the chicken fajitas were at Lauriol Plaza last night. Dry as a Mormon prayer meeting. C'mon, guys. You can do better than that.

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