Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Just bought this beautiful dining table (accessorizing my new condo and relentlessly searching Craigslist for bargains has taken the place of cooking for the time being.)

Alas, it does not come with matching chairs, and I'm at a bit of a loss, because I don't want to go too matchy-matchy. (It's black, by the way.) Internet people, what kind of chairs would you suggest pairing with this table?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pretty much sums up dating in the District

The Old Tomato

Message sent to the Brit:

The Top Chef finale is on at 7:30 p.m. tonight.

That means, if you want to see me at that time, and possibly ever again, you must TiVo it.

Since you forgot to do it last night because you were "out," and having "fun." Sigh.

The Brit knows there are no compromises when it comes to Top Chef.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What I can't stop eating. Also some tidbits about my life that probably are of no particular interest to anyone.

Sea Salt and Rosemary crostini and seaside cheddar cheese from Whole Foods.

Also, I'm moving to what can best be described as a baller condo in Clarendon. Woohoo! But that's kind of why I've been missing for oh, a month - lots of stuff to sort out.

Oh! And I'm going to the best law school ever, in my opinion and trying to figure out how to finance it without having to sell my body to strangers on Friday and Saturday nights.

But there are good things coming, so stay tuned!