Sunday, December 23, 2007

Holiday To Do List: Purchase 14 cats, lots of Funyuns, and "Anne of Green Gables" on DVD

"Do we have to? Her house smells like dehydrated onions and Fancy Feast."

You may be wondering why I am posting so much during the holiday season, as much as 2 posts a day, at a time when most people are busing being festive with family and friends. Here's why: my parents moved to the Flatlands (Missouri) shortly after I graduated high school, meaning that when I come "home," I have my mother, father, brother, and dog to hang out with and absolutely no friends, making me the 22-year-old equivalent of a loner cat lady. One can only watch so many episodes of a scantily-clad Sandra Lee pouring various bottles of booze into a blender and calling it a cocktail before it comes time for other pursuits to safeguard one's sanity. This includes taking shots with parental figures (read below) and throwing various spices into a bag of Pop Secret to see what they taste like.

Also, about the Funyuns, I don't even know, it just seems like something a cat lady would eat.

Party Popcorn
It's a party in your mowth, eh.

6 cups popped popcorn (light butter flavor is fine)
couple drizzles olive oil
1/2 teaspoon chipotle chile powder
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon cinammon
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1 Tbsp. light brown sugar

1. Drizzle a bit of olive oil onto the popcorn and then toss to coat.
2. Mix together all the spices and the brown sugar in a separate little dish, then sprinkle on the popcorn and toss.
3. Eat it, but probably don't share it with your cats.

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