Saturday, March 29, 2008

Serendipity, sort of

In a bizarre episode of things falling surprisingly well into place, I'm going to Paris a week from today. I received a research grant from my school to go do research in the Bibliothèque Nationale, or national library, which is still a bit hard for me to believe.

My school is sending me to Paris? For free? Who DOES THAT?

In any case, I'll be spending 6 days in my favorite city. It seems so bizarre to me to book a flight overseas with about two weeks notice - trips to Europe still seem monumental to my student mind, something that should require months of planning. But no, I'm jetting off, just like Lauren and Whitney, with a slightly less fabulous wardrobe but with, at least I like to think so, slightly more intelligence.

"Paris, like, changes you."

"Yeah. Like, I need a change. Instead of working at Teen Vogue and covering fashion events, I want to like, work at fashion events. In fashion. In the fashion industry."

Needless to say, I'm not going to have a lot of play time, and when I do have free time, I'll be all by my lonesome. That's where you come in.

Any suggestions where I should go? What I should do? (In the evenings or at night, preferably, since during the day I'll be holed up in the library...) One night I'll hopefully be meeting up with the woman I lived with when I studied there, but other than that, it's looking increasingly like I'll be watching "Prison Break" dubbed in French in my grotty hotel room.

Either that or getting shots bought for me by French bachelor parties at The Long Hop at Place Maubert Mutualité. A classy time to be had by all.


Anonymous said...

Spend hours strolling around Montemarte because that was my favorite part of the ity, load up on the homemade brioche bread, visit Pierre Herme for pastries, shop shop SHOP! What are you studying and researching for your school? Sounds like a dream, being able to travel for free!

Kate said...

I'm researching the authors of these two essays that I'm translating from 1791. Sounds kind of weird...but it should be interesting.

And I'm dying to go to Pierre Herme! I never went before because I didn't know what it was, but now I can't wait to go get a box of macaroons. Is it sad that I'm the most excited about Paris food? :P