Sunday, April 27, 2008

Like, maybe you could look at this. If you have time in your "busy" schedule, that is.

This website has been cracking me up as of late, if only because the whiteboard on my fridge is filled with passive-aggressive notes daily. I suppose it's inevitable - putting six girls in a house, all of whom have varying definitions of "clean" and "respectful behavior" and "communal living space," all of whom detest confrontation, and it is inevitable that the main means of communication will be handwritten notes berating no one in particular, even though they are very usually directed at one specific individual.

For example, what should my note read today? Today, it will be directed at the roommate who took my last clean bath towel without asking me, because hers were dirty, forcing me to re-use another towel instead of being able to have a nice, clean one when I got out of the shower. Instead of confronting her directly - because I am a girl, because I am non-confrontational, because I am chicken shit - I will probably just write a note on the board: "Hey y'all - if you could just ask people before taking their stuff, that would be great. Okay, love you!"

And then I will go upstairs and punch my pillow until the feathers fly out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha I love those little passive aggressive notes. My favorite one that I did was after my roommates boyfriend left a ton of cigarette buttes out on our patio and I left a note on the front door stating that people who smoke outside are most certainly welcome but they should clean up the remnants of their disgusting habit.